SWATCH斯沃琪,你的世界是粉色的 | A World of Pink


“…it could irritate people, make them feel very emotional and affect them in ways that I had never imagined possible.”


“它”便是如今被广泛运用于各个邻域的粉色,而这句话则出自于瑞士一位独特的艺术家——Nici Jost。

Here “it” refers to the color of pink, one of the most widely used and favored colors in theworld. And the quote is from Swiss artist Nici Jost.


Pink plays a prominent role in Nici’s work. It becomes highly complicated and controversial.On the one hand, it can be young, pretty, natural and romantic; and on the other, it can also be hypocritical, upsetting, irritating and aggressive.

▲TARGET 2017 (Project from January 1 until October 19)

《靶 2017》(项目从1月1日持续至10月19日)


The color of pink is arrayed against the backdrop of pure white in a gradient manner. With her reflex bow, Nici shoots her happiness and indignation as arrows at the pink target; and the closer to the center, the more intense the emotions.



The gorgeousness of cherry blossoms formsa sharp contrast to its transience. Hence, the pink blossoms that used to symbolize suicide squad pilots during WWII are also perceived as a token of anguish and beauty.

来自瑞士的Nici Jost是一名概念和多媒体艺术家兼摄影师,她于2018年2月至8月在上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心进行驻留。

Nici Jost is a conceptual and multimedia artist and photographer from Switzerland. She stayed as a resident artist at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai from February to August in 2018.



Nici painted artworks she collected from other artists pink. In this way, the works were imbued with more materiality and objectivity. Rather than the projection of the artist’s inner world, they tended to mirror ad convey different people’s understand of the color of pink.



A pink building is erected among green plants. The strong visual contrast gives out a weird sense of serenity.


Nici is adept in using the same color to express different emotions. In the world of hers, pink no longer merely stands for girlishness. Rather, it is imbued with various implications and would exert different influence upon different people.

▲艺术家正在创作Artist at work

驻留结束之际,Nici Jost在上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心留下了一件Trace,一种综合了她的观察和历史研究的浅粉红色。

During the end of her residency, Nici Jost left a piece of her work as her “trace” at the Shanghai Swatch Art Peace Hotel. Featuring pale pink, the work integrated her observation and perception of historical research.

▲Silent Pink《静默的粉》

▲Silent Pink-Detail《静默的粉》(局部)


The color of pink has been used in Chinese painting since the 15th century. Light vermillion, a kind of pale pink, was seen in the delineation of popular subjects, such as scenes of life, landscape, bird and flower and portraits of the noble.


(Some pictures are from the artist’swebsite
